All co-workers are safe and accounted for in Athens, Greece (ATH) after a 6.7 magnitude earthquake lasting 15 seconds struck the area around noon today. BBC News reported no apparent casualties or damage (an excerpt from my companies' daily news update)
Yes, apparently this earthquake happened while I was on a plane from London to Athens. Actually, I did not find out about the earthquake until I got home and was skimming through my company emails..
It also turns out that the last time it snowed in Athens was FOUR years ago. Yes, FOUR years ago...Two days after I arrived, it snowed and snowed... Mind you, I came prepared for cold weather but definitely not snow and ice. Trust me, the snow and ice did not stop me from running around Athens at all (my black and purple bum will attest to that)!
This is Greece telling me to come back in the fall. ALL of the sites of ruins were closed due to snow and ice.
As close as I got to the Acropolis...
I did indeed run across SEVERAL yarn stores. I was a bit disappointed at first because all I kept finding was Italian yarn. I adore Italian yarn, but I was procuring Greek yarn. Finally, after the 5th attempt, I found Greek yarn...
Delfino is a brand of cotton and wool. Unfortunately, I will not be keeping any of these new acquistions...Yes, they are soon to be gifted...
The owners of these 2 stores were SO kind and helpful. For anyone with plans for Greece, I will be MORE than happy to give you the addresses for these two lovely yarn stores.
I did not get a lot of knitting done on this trip...It turns out knitting needles (addis, knit picks, any metal needles) are prohibited in your carry on luggage out of the UK, Greece, and Belgium.
Here is the Pee-Pee Boy, also known as the Mannekin Pis in Brussels. I was hoping that he would be dressed up in a costume but it was not a holiday.
Yes, Belgium...Let's talk about Brussels....I simply adored Brussels and plan to run back the next chance I get. The cafes, beer, chocolate, mussels, and ABUNDANCE of yarn stores, oh my....
And really, I had plans to go to Germany after Greece but the flights were SUPER full.
Off to catch up on my MANY UFOs..