Yes, it indeed has been QUITE a while since my last entry...My poor neglected blog! From here on out, I promise to visit EVERY day! Er..or at least once a week...
I have restarted organizing my knitting WIPs and stash. I have told myself(yet again) to NOT indulge on any more NEW lovelies until some of these WIPs are actually finished. This week has been devoted to finishing...a LOT easier to say than do! I have yet to count how many current WIPs I have squirreled around here and am sort of afraid to do so!
For now, I have NINE, yes, count 'em, nine projects I would love to finish before the July. As of now, I have only six photographed.

Pattern: Eastscarf by Norah Gaughan from
Norah Gaughan, vol 3Yarn used: Berroco Inca Gold in Verde Oliva (total 3 skeins)
Needles: size 7
I am surprised that I haven't finished this one up yet! It is SO much fun to knit!

Pattern: Noro Scarf by
Jared Flood Yarn used:
Noro Silk Garden in 270 and 252 (total 4 skeins)
Needles: size 7
These Noro scarves are like popcorn at the movies. They are a must to knit when watching tv/movies/etc!

Gusset Heel Basic Sock by
Wendy JohnsonNeedles: size 1
Duet Skinny Sock Yarn in Cedar Swag
I must say that I have this pattern memorized down to the T. I find that this is best toe up pattern to showcase handpainted yarn and is not at all bulky for wear. Now, if I can only finish an actual PAIR of socks...

Gusset Heel Basic Sock by
Needles: Size 1
Noro Kureyon Sock in S164 (left) and
Noro Kureyon Sock in S185 (right)
I was not a fan of the Noro Kuryon sock yarn when it first came out. I must admit, it did grow on me. I truly enjoy watching the different colours "appearing"!

Pattern: Tradition Gansey Sock by
Wendy Johnson from her FANTASTIC book,
Socks From the Toe UpNeedles: 1
Dream in Color Smooshy in Good Luck Jade
I will have to continue with my "to finish" list later this week. For now, I will leave you photo from my latest trip: India.

Little Loopy was ALMOST confiscated at the security checkpoint of the Taj Mahal. After MUCH cajoling...ahem...Little Loopy found his way in to see one of the great 7 wonders of the modern world.