Before I share my many WIPS, I must proudly share the two projects that I actually finished!

Pattern: I Heart Toe-Up Socks by Wendy Johnson
Yarn: Malabrigo Sock in Tiziano Red
Needles: size 1
Started: January 20,2010
Finished: January 30, 2010
Cast on: Judy's Magic Cast On
Heel : slip stitch
Cast off : Sewn bind off

Pattern: Susie's Reading Mitts by Janelle Masters
Yarn: Alpaca Silk by Blue Sky Alpcacas in Colorway 141 (or Pea Pod)
Needles: size 5
Started: February 10, 2010
Finished: February 11, 2010
This was such a quick and fun knit. I plan on making a few more! Not only is Blue Sky Alpaca Silk soft to knit with, it creates a silky and sturdy accessory.
Now on to the projects I have been juggling:

Pattern: Hearts and Flowers by Wendy Johnson
Yarn: A Swell Yarn Shop De Kay Duet Sock Yarn
Colorway: Daffodil
Needle: size 1
Toe: Judy's Magic Cast On
Heel (to be used): Slip Stitch
Cast off (to be used): Sewn bind off
Started: February 1, 2010
I am praying that I have enough to complete the second sock. I am already knitting on the leg and it looks a bit iffy.

Pattern: Citron by Hilary Smith Callis
Yarn: Malabrigo Lace in Cosecha
Needles: size 6
Started: January 30, 2010
Citron is like eating potato chips: it is impossible to have just one!
I signed up for Ravelympics 2010 for teams UFOInvaders and Headhuggers. Sigh. I think I bit off a bit more than I can CHEW this month. We will see how much I can actually knit up.
I'm off to attempt to finish my Hearts and Flowers socks tonight.
Happy Valentine's Day to those who celebrate!