I joined the Mystery Stole 3 group a couple of weeks ago. The group was started by the infamous Melanie, the same designer of the beautiful Hanami, and Mystery Stole 1 and 2. Every Friday, she submits a file of rows for the stole (with an unknown theme). At around mid-August, the stole should be complete, and the stole's theme will be obvious.
Other than socks, this is my first attempt at a larger project of lace. After 4 times of painful ripping, I finally have got the hang of it. I have learned that working lace and tv, working lace with the boyfriend telling you about his crappy day at work, working lace without power, or working lace with wine are combinations of disaster to distract one from accomplishing 100 rows of lace. So, I knit when the boyfriend is NOT around, during the day, AFTER my first espresso, and with my lovely chart keeper.
The suggested colors for this stole are black or white. Since, I already have a black stole and don't care for anything in all white, I chose a dark purple. I am using 2 skeins of Zephyr in plum. I must say these addi turbo lace needles are GREAT for knitting lace. Yes, they ARE worth all the hype. They are pointy and slick enough to make knitting lace rather enoyable! I am using a size 4 of these needles and about 300 of purpe opal-like size 8 bead. It is not apparent from the photo that there are beads incorporated.
Now that clue one has been finished, I am off to finish the sock I started last week...
squee! you've finally joined us in blogland! yay!
we missed you last night. :)
It took a while, didn't it? :)
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